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Perhaps it was in the encounter of their souls that led time to cease in the outside world. Perhaps it was then when the minutes became flowers and the mechanics of the clock became the uneven beats of their hearts. In their lives one minute is not the same as a minute. A flower is not the same as another. Or one petal falls at the same speed as the next, or smells or taste the same, or has the same colors or the same size. One petal falls soft as velvet, another rough as sandpaper, and the next smooth and delicate as silk.

The important thing is that the two entered into that time that does not exist. One perhaps with her originality and the other perhaps in her grasp of fantasy. And they entered that wonderful Cronopio world, the world of Cronopios and Cronopias. Where every moment is unique. Coincidences, unexpected encounters, losses, connections, magic, love, mix-ups, heat, cold, rain, sun, snow, fog, they all seem like an unexpected gift.

Generous Cronopias have the need to share their gifts with the world. And history repeats itself, they need to get people involved in their games. They can not understand someone not wanting to play. Their enthusiasm and perseverance persuades and encourages people to play.

Curious Cronopias need to find those unique moments of life and time, and understand its essence and the meaning of being human.

Creative Cronopias need to put their creativity onto the big screen in order to explain and understand life.

Non conformist Cronopias must turn fantasy into reality. They need to produce their fantasies.


  © Copyright 2009 - Cronopia Films
© Web Design - EGEDA 2009
Producer asociated with egeda